Bastard Culture!
Bastard Culture!
How User Participation Transforms Cultural Production
€ 56,95 excl. BTW
Aantal pagina's
15.6 x 23.4 cm
Media Studies
Toon inhoudsopgaveVerberg inhoudsopgave
9789089642561_cover_HR - 1 9789089642561_text_HR.pdf - 2 Acknowledgements - 8 Introduction - 10 Chapter 1 Promoting Utopia/Selling Technology - 26 Chapter 2 Claiming Participation - 42 Chapter 3 Enabling/Repressing Participation - 55 Chapter 4 Bastard Culture - 78 Chapter 5 The Extension of Cultural Industries - 126 Chapter 6 Participatory Culture - 168 Notes - 176 Resources - 216 Literature - 218 Appendix A Abbreviations - 233 Appendix B Glossary - 235 INDEX - 240

Recensies en Artikelen

"Profound and meticulously researched work, which has expanded my worldview." -- Howard Rheingold, lecturer at U.C. Berkeley's School of Information and visiting lecturer in Stanford University's Department of Communication and|"Invited or not, the brilliant and not-so-brilliant members of our digital culture are actively participating. We're not just using but changing, repurposing, and re-inventing the technologies set before us. Bastard or not, the reality we are creating together is an odd and often unconscious collaboration between people, corporations, and technology itself. Schaefer has patiently, deliberately, and quite engagingly exposed this hidden landscape of cultural production, and shown us what we might do to direct it toward positive, even evolutionary ends." -- Douglas Rushkoff--lecturer in the department of Media Studies, The New School University, author, Program or Be Programmed: Ten Commands for a Digital Age|"Insgesamt ergibt sich daraus ein sehr lesenswertes Buch, das bereits etablierte und besprochene Themen und Probleme vor einem aktuellen Hintergrund neu diskutiert und dabei dem Bezug zur Realwelt stets den Vorrang vor theoretischen Haarspalterei lässt, was im Hinblick auf die erfrischende interventionistisch/programmatische Stoßrichtung nur konsequent und letztlich erfreulich ist."--Zeitschrtift für Medienwissenschaft|"The author weaves together history of computing, business strategies, common media practices and hacking practices in a well conceived account that insists in the controversial and ambiguous nature of participation. He offers an original contribution unfolding the dark side of implicit participation and taking symmetrically into account both explicit and implicit participation as blurred and intertwined components of participatory culture." -- Claudio Coletta, Tecnoscienza

Mirko Tobias Schäfer

Bastard Culture!

How User Participation Transforms Cultural Production

Nieuwe online technologieën brengen een grote belofte van bevrijding met zich mee. Leken en amateurs worden enthousiast als helden van het digitale tijdperk omhelsd.
In dit boek analyseert Mirko Tobias Schäfer hoe de participatie van gebruikers daadwerkelijk vorm krijgt door deze in de context te bestuderen van onder meer het populaire discours rondom nieuwe media. Schäfer laat met behulp van onderzoek naar hackers, fancommunities en Web 2.0-applicaties zien hoe de dynamiek van innovatie, controle en interactie zorgt voor een uitbreiding van de traditionele cultuurindustrie naar het domein van de gebruikers.

Mirko Tobias Schäfer

Mirko Tobias Schäfer is Associate Professor of AI, Data & Society at Utrecht University’s research area 'Governing the Digital Society' and the Department for Information and Computing Sciences. Mirko is co-founder and Sciences lead of the Data School. He studies the datafication of public management and engages in the development of responsible and accountable AI and data practices.