Fighting for a Living
Fighting for a Living
A Comparative Study of Military Labour 1500-2000
€ 129,00 excl. BTW
Aantal pagina's
15.6 x 23.4 cm
Toon inhoudsopgaveVerberg inhoudsopgave
1. Introduction: Understanding changes in military recruitment and employment worldwide Erik-Jan Zürcher 2. Military labour in China, circa 1500 David M. Robinson 3. From Mamluks to Mansabdars: a social history of military service in South Asia, circa 1500 to circa 1650 Kaushik Roy 4. On the Ottoman Janissaries* Gilles Veinstein 5. Soldiers in Western Europe, circa 1500-1790 Frank Tallett 6. The Scottish mercenary as migrant labourer in Europe, 1550-1650 James Miller 7. Change and continuity in mercenary armies: Central Europe, 1650-1750 Michael Sikora 8. Peasants fighting for a living in early modern North India Dirk Kolff 9. “True to their salt”: Mechansims for recruiting and managing military labour in the army of the East India Company during the Carnatic Wars in India Robert Johnson 10. The scum of every country, the refuse of mankind: recruiting the British Army in the eighteenth century Peter Way 11. Mobilization of warrior populations in the Ottoman context, 1750-1850 Virginia H. Aksan 12. Military employment in Qing dynasty China Christine Moll-Murata and Ulrich Theobald 13. Military service and the Russian social order, 1649-1861 Elise Kimerling Wirtschafter 14. The French army 1789-1914: Volunteers, pressed soldiers and conscripts Thomas Hippler 15. The Dutch army in transition: from an all-volunteer force to a cadre-militia army, 1795-1830 Herman Amersfoort 16. Draft and draftees in Italy, 1861-1914 Marco Rovinello 17. Italian colonial troops in East Africa Uoldelul Chelati Dirar 18. Nation building, war experiences and European models: the rejection of conscription in Britain Jörn Leonhard 19. Mobilizing military labour in the age of total war: Ottoman conscription before and during the Great war Mehmet Besikçi 20. Soldiering as work: the all-volunteer force in the United States of America Beth Bailey 21. Private contractors from the nineteen nineties to the present. A review essay Yelda Kaya

Recensies en Artikelen

"Historians have long overlooked the labour involved in soldiering. But now, with the publication of Fighting for a Living, the world of military workers is brought to the forefront of scholarly inquiry. The editors throw a critical shining light on the nature of war and the nature of work for the millions of individuals who have contributed their labour, and often their lives, for the militaries of the world." Nathan Wise, School of Humanities at the University of New England, Australia

Erik-Jan Zürcher (red.)

Fighting for a Living

A Comparative Study of Military Labour 1500-2000

Dit is de eerste studie die een vergelijkende analyse maakt van de militaire geschiedenis en de arbeidsgeschiedenis, twee onderzoeksterreinen die normaal gesproken strikt gescheiden zijn. De studie onderzoekt de rol van het leger als werkgever in de afgelopen 500 jaar: hoe werden er in verschillende delen van de wereld soldaten geworven en hoe zag hun diensttijd eruit? De auteurs, waaronder Robert Johnson, Frank Tallett en Gilles Weinstein, bekijken Europa, Afrika, Amerika, het Midden- Oosten en Azië en laten zien hoe een oorlog vooruitzicht biedt op werk, wat de rol is van het leger als werkgever en welke plaats de soldaten als werknemers innemen.

Erik-Jan Zürcher

Erik-Jan Zürcher Erik-Jan Zürcher is lid van de Koninklijke Nederlandse Akademie van Wetenschappen en hoogleraar Turkse Talen en Culturen aan de Universiteit Leiden.