Syntax of Dutch: Nouns and Noun Phrases - Volume 2
Syntax of Dutch: Nouns and Noun Phrases - Volume 2
€ 146,00 excl. BTW
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16 x 24 cm
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Abbreviations and symbols vii Preface and acknowledgments ix 1. General introduction ix 2. Main objective ix 3. Intended readership ix 4. Object of description x 5. Organization of the material xv 6. History of the project and future prospects xix 7. Acknowledgments xxi Introduction 1 Chapter 1 Nouns: characterization and classification 3 1.1. Characterization 5 1.2. Classification 16 1.3. Derivation of nouns 48 1.4. Compounding 110 1.5. Bibliographical notes 114 Chapter 2 Projection of noun phrases I: complementation 117 2.1. General observations 119 2.2. Prepositional and nominal complements 135 2.3. Sentential complements 332 2.4. Bibliographical notes 355 Chapter 3 Projection of noun phrases II: modification 357 3.1. Restrictive and non-restrictive modifiers 360 3.2. Premodification 374 3.3. Postmodification 376 3.4. Bibliographical notes 571 Chapter 4 Projection of noun phrases III: binominal constructions 573 4.1. Binominal constructions without a preposition 574 4.2. Binominal constructions with a preposition 642 4.3. Bibliographical notes 671 Chapter 5 Determiners: articles and pronouns 673 5.1. Articles 677 5.2. Pronouns 773 5.3. Bibliographical notes 868 Chapter 6 Numerals and quantifiers 871 6.1. Numerals 872 6.2. Quantifiers 897 6.3. Quantitative er 934 6.4. Bibliographical notes 942 Chapter 7 Pre-determiners 945 7.1. The universal quantifier al ‘all’ and its alternants 948 7.2. The pre-determiner heel ‘all/whole’ 999 7.3. A note on focus particles 1050 7.4. Bibliographical notes 1051 Chapter 8 Syntactic uses of noun phrases 1053 8.1. Noun phrases as arguments 1054 8.2. Predicative use of the noun phrase 1087 8.3. Adverbial use of the noun phrase 1105 8.4. Bibliographical notes 1114 Glossary 1117 Subject index 1141 References 1153

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“This project is, by all measures, an extraordinary one, both in conception and execution. To a remarkable degree the Syntax of Dutch project manages to harmonize demands of depth and breadth. In part this appears to be due to the highly systematic approach followed. I believe the Syntax of Dutch project will ultimately become a model for comprehensive grammatical description in the years ahead.” - Richard Larson, Professor of Linguistics at University of Stony Brook

Hans Broekhuis, Marcel den Dikken

Syntax of Dutch: Nouns and Noun Phrases - Volume 2

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A grammar is a book that many people or companies have somewhere on their shelves. It is there to help them find the proper way of saying things in their language, which preposition to choose with a certain verb etc. It’s there, but it is generally not used much. Few people realize that such grammar books that tell you what the grammatical structure of your language is supposed to be are grounded in a long tradition of scientific grammar writing. Scientific grammars explore the properties of your language; they try to find the system, the generalizations. They also try to investigate the ways in which your language differs structurally from grammars of other languages and, often surprisingly, how strikingly similar grammars of different languages can be if you arrange the data in certain ways and look at the structures in a somewhat more abstract way. If you are a speaker of, say, Dutch, you have in your brain a grammar that helps you speak and write your language. But it also makes it possible for you to recognize a foreigner and to detect in what ways his sentences are ungrammatical. Scientific grammars constitute attempts at describing in a precise and enlightening way what this hidden knowledge in your brain is, how it is structured, why certain grammatical rules are the way they are. The past fifty years or so have seen a veritable explosion of scientific work on grammar. Most of this work is in specialized articles that aim to argue specific claims about the structure of grammar in general, and that concentrate on a specific language only to put it in perspective against data from other languages. Furthermore, ways of talking about grammar, ways of presenting formal structures, ways of interpreting data have changed drastically in the course of a mere five decades. This makes things hard for those who look for serious answers to questions about the structure of a given language. At the same time the enormous explosion of the scientific work on an ever increasing number of languages makes presenting “the scientific grammar of language X’ a daunting task. But the time is ripe to do it, and as Syntax of Dutch shows it can be done and done well.

Hans Broekhuis

Hans Broekhuis is a researcher on the Variationist Linguistics Language Portal at the Meertens Instituut, part of the Dutch academy of sciences (KNAW). He has published with colleagues many volumes in the Syntax of Dutch series, and has co-edited Broekhuis, H. & R. Vogel. (2013) Linguistic Derivations and Filtering. Minimalism and Optimality Theory (Equinox, 2013), and a monograph entitled Derivations and evaluations. Object shift in the Germanic languages (Mouton de Gruyter, 2008)

Marcel den Dikken

Marcel den Dikken is hoogleraar Taalkunde aan de Graduate Center van de City University van New York.