The Unbound Book
The Unbound Book
€ 43,95 excl. BTW
Aantal pagina's
15.6 x 23.4 cm
Media Studies
Toon inhoudsopgaveVerberg inhoudsopgave
The book unbinding 7 Adriaan van der Weel and Joost Kircz ‘I read the titles on the spines and remember’ The unbound reader of the future 19 Arianne Baggerman What a book was and what remains Thoughts about the future of trade publishing 31 Miha Kovaè Social reading is no longer an oxymoron 45 Bob Stein 81,498 words The book as data object 57 Bernhard Rieder Bound to be a book Towards print as multimedia and e-books as paperbacks 71 Florian Cramer Digital readers’ responsibilities 81 Alain Giffard The digitisation of narrative reading Theoretical considerations and empirical evidence 91 Anne Mangen E-reading essentials in a time of change and unfixity 107 Ray Siemens and Corina Koolen et al. Electronic environments for reading A select annotated bibliography of pertinent hardware and software (2011) 117 Corina Koolen, Alex Garnett, Ray Siemens et al. Writing differently in the digital era Hamlet in Hyperborg 131 Joost Kircz and August Hans den Boef About the authors 151 References 155

Joost Kircz, Adriaan van der Weel (red.)

The Unbound Book

De onderstaande tekst is niet beschikbaar in het Nederlands en wordt in het Engels weergegeven.
What might the digital revolution we’re currently living through mean for conventional paper books? Is there a future for the long-form text at all? At the onset of the digital deluge, books had evolved into the perfect reading machine. In the screen era, technology increasingly and emphatically foregrounds itself in the digital reading experience. It is one thing to identify what we lose in the process (which is a natural human tendency), but quite another and, it might be argued, an ultimately more fruitful one, to identify how that screen technology might shape the activities for which we always used to use paper. Screen technology is likely to determine our learning and entertainment habits. Indeed, the ‘industrial’ forms of reading that may be performed by the computer have a very tenuous relationship to what we have always understood by the term. Awareness of the issues, and eventually new insights, are essential if we want screen technology to offer a digital future to the long-form text.

Joost Kircz

Joost Kircz is emeritus reader in electronic publishing at the Amsterdam University of Applied Sciences.

Adriaan van der Weel

Adriaan van der Weel is Bohn-hoogleraar Nederlandse boekgeschiedenis aan de Universiteit Leiden en hoofdredacteur van het Jaarboek voor Nederlandse Boekgeschiedenis.