1. Gijsbert Rutten & Ton van Kalmthout
Cultural nationalism and the rise of Dutch studies
2. Gijsbert Rutten
Matthijs Siegenbeek in defence of Dutch
3. Francien Petiet
Barthold Hendrik Lulofs: A ‘learned dilettante’
4. Rick Honings
Poet and professor: Adam Simons
5. Marijke van der wal
Johannes Kinker: A Kantian philosopher teaching Dutch language, literature, and eloquence
6. Wim Vandenbussche
Caught between propaganda and science: Ulrich Gerhard Lauts, the forgotten father of Dutch philology in Brussels
7. Jan Noordegraaf
Pieter Weiland and his Nederduitsche spraakkunst
8. Ellen Krol
Moralist of the nation: Johannes Henricus van der Palm
9. Janneke Weijermars
I am revived as a Belgian: The work of Jan Frans Willems
10. Lo van Driel & Nicoline van der Sijs
Adriaan Kluit: Back to the sources!
11. Peter Altena
‘Can grander skulls be crowned?’ Jacob van Dijk’s posthumous literary history
12. Ton van Kalmthout
Hendrik van Wijn: Pioneer of historical literary studies in the Netherlands
13. Lotte Jensen
The founding father of Dutch literary history: Jeronimo de Vries
14. Gert-Jan Johannes