World History – a Genealogy
World History – a Genealogy
Private Conversations with World Historians, 1996-2016
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15.6 x 23.4 cm
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Paperback - € 55,00
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Facing World History: inspirations, institutions, networks; Carolien Stolte and Alicia Schrikker
Interview with Brij V. Lal, Historian of Indenture and of Contemporary Fiji
‘I end up with the question “why”, but I don’t start with it’: Interview with Geoff rey Parker
The Importance of Knowledge-Systems: Interview with John Rankine Goody
The Best of Two Worlds: Interview with Om Prakash
The Study of Contrasts across Europe: Interview with Patrick O’Brien
History is Placing a Man in the Context of his Times: Interview with the Late Ashin Das Gupta (1932–1998)
‘I didn’t get into history to avoid math or physics’: Interview with Patricia Seed, Professor of Rice University
A Sea of Histories, a History of the Seas: Interview with Adrian B. Lapian
Sympathetic ‘Farangi’: Interview with Michael N. Pearson
Why Is China So Big? And Other Big Questions: Interview with John E. Wills, Jr.
Slavery, Migration and the Atlantic World: Interview with Piet Emmer
‘I am not going to call myself a global historian’: Interview with C.A. Bayly
The Retreat of the Elephants: Interview with Mark Elvin
Wanting to know everything in a complex world: Interview with Allison Blakely
Transoceanic Trade: The Reconstruction of Al-Mukhâ through VOC Records: Interview with C.G. Brouwer
World History and Other Marginal and Perverse Pursuits: Interview with Felipe Fernandez-Armesto
Studying Southeast Asia in and for Southeast Asia: Interview with Anthony Reid
The Red-Haired Barbarian from Leiden: Interview with Leonard Blussé
You turn a page and then there is suddenly something on a turtle’: Interview with Jürgen Osterhammel
Are We All Global Historians Now?: Interview with David Armitage
Lessons from African History: between the deep and the shallow ends of social theory and historical empiricism. Interview with Frederick Cooper
‘Being speculative is better than to not do it at all’: Interview with Natalie Zemon Davis
Map-Making in World History: Interview with Kären Wigen
‘My favourite source is the landscape’: Interview with Robert Ross History as Renegade Politics: Interview with Ann Laura Stoler
Bibliography of World Historians
Bibliography of World History

Alicia Schrikker, Carolien Stolte (red.)

World History – a Genealogy

Private Conversations with World Historians, 1996-2016

De onderstaande tekst is niet beschikbaar in het Nederlands en wordt in het Engels weergegeven.
World History — a Genealogy charts the history of the discipline through twenty-five in-depth conversations with historians whose work has shaped the field of world history in fundamental ways. These conversations, which took place over a period of twenty years for the world history journal Itinerario, cover these historians’ lives, work, and views of the academy in general and the field of world history in particular. An extensive introduction distills the most important developments in the field from these conversations, and sheds light on what these historians have in common, as well as — perhaps more importantly — what separates them.
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Alicia Schrikker

Alicia Schrikker is Senior Lecturer in colonial and global history at Leiden University. She works on everyday colonialism in the Indian Ocean throughout the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries, through a focus on sites and moments of exchange and interaction.

Carolien Stolte

Carolien Stolte is Senior Lecturer at Leiden University, the Netherlands. Her research focuses on the international history of South Asia. She co-led, with Su-Lin Lewis, the AHRC Research Network “Afro-Asian Networks in the Early Cold War".