"I see the importance of the publication not only in that shows fashion as a public affair, but that it very specifically shows fashion as space, in which within the time possibilities they could prefer to be politically implemented highly built women. The publication will be beneficial for researchers in the field of history, history of art and gender disciplines."
- Linda Muchová, Czech Historical Journal (translated from Czech), 119 (2021)
"The book’s range of disciplines, from political and social history to the history of dress, Renaissance art, and theater, will make it interesting and useful to a wide readership. The essays demonstrate the effectiveness of detailed technical analysis of dress working hand in hand with the analysis of elite women’s theatricalization of their power from the fifteenth to the seventeenth century."
- Ann Rosalind Jones, Early Modern Women Journal, Volume 15, No. 2, Spring 2021
"This volume will be of interest to scholars of court culture and dress history, but it should also be taken seriously by political historians and gender scholars. This is a cross cultural and multi disciplinary collection full of bold new claims about court studies and fashion history, and is an asset to the catalogue at Amsterdam University Press, which is gaining a much deserved reputation for their Visual and Material Culture 1300 1700 series."
- Dr. Sophie Pitman, The Journal of Dress History, Volume 4, Issue 3, Autumn 2020