The Collectivization of Agriculture in Communist Eastern Europe

Constantin Iordachi, Arnd Bauerkämper (red.)
The Collectivization of Agriculture in Communist Eastern Europe
Comparison and Entanglements
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Introduction ARND BAUERKÄMPER and CONSTANTIN IORDACHI The Collectivization of Agriculture in Eastern Europe: Comparisons and Cross-Border Entanglements I. The Soviet Interwar Model and its Application in Post-1945 Soviet Union LYNNE VIOLA Collectivization in the Soviet Union: Specificities and Modalities DAVID FEEST The Collectivization of Agriculture in the Baltic Soviet Republics, 1944–1953 II. Land Collectivization in East Central Europe DARIUSZ JAROSZ The Collectivization of Agriculture in Poland: Causes of Defeat JENS SCHÖNE Ideology and Asymmetrical Entanglements: Collectivization in the German Democratic Republic JAN RYCHLIK Collectivization in Czechoslovakia in Comparative Perspective, 1949–1960 JÓZSEF Ö. KOVÁCS The Forced Collectivization of Agriculture in Hungary, 1948–1961 III. Land Collectivization in Southeastern Europe CONSTANTIN IORDACHI and DORIN DOBRINCU The Collectivization of Agriculture in Romania, 1949–1962 MELISSA K. BOKOVOY Collectivization in Yugoslavia: Rethinking Regional and National Interests MIHAIL GRUEV Collectivization and Social Change in Bulgaria, 1940s–1950s ÖRJAN SJÖBERG “Any other road leads only to the Restoration of Capitalism in the Countryside”: Land Collectivization in Albania IV. Axes of Differentiation: Social Conflicts, Center and Periphery, “Class Struggle,” Social and Ethnic Cleavages ARND BAUERKÄMPER Collectivization as Social Practice: Historical Narratives and Competing Memories as Sources of Agency in the Collectivization Campaign in the GDR ZSUZSANNA VARGA The Appropriation and Modification of the “Soviet Model” of Collectivization: The Case of Hungary GREGORY R. WITKOWSKI Collectivization at the Grass Roots Level: State Planning and Popular Reactions in Bulgaria, Romania, Poland, and the GDR, 1948–1960 NIGEL SWAIN Eastern European Collectivization Campaigns Compared, 1945–1962 V. Appendix About the Authors Index

Constantin Iordachi, Arnd Bauerkämper (red.)

The Collectivization of Agriculture in Communist Eastern Europe

Comparison and Entanglements

De onderstaande tekst is niet beschikbaar in het Nederlands en wordt in het Engels weergegeven.
This book explores the interrelated campaigns of agricultural collectivization in the USSR and in the communist dictatorships established in Soviet-dominated Eastern Europe. Despite the profound, long-term societal impact of collectivization, the subject has remained relatively underresearched. The volume combines detailed studies of collectivization in individual Eastern European states with issueoriented comparative perspectives at regional level. Based on novel primarysources, it proposes a reappraisal of the theoretical underpinnings and research agenda of studies on collectivization in Eastern Europe.The contributions provide up-to-date overviews of recent research in the field and promote new approaches to the topic, combining historical comparisons with studies of transnational transfers and entanglements.
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Constantin Iordachi

Constantin Iordachi is a Professor at the History Department of Central European University and President of the International Association for Comparative Fascist Studies.

Arnd Bauerkämper

Arnd Bauerkämper is Professor of Modern European History at the Freie Universität Berlin. Author of: Ländliche Gesellschaft in der kommunistischen Diktatur. Zwangsmodernisierung und Tradition in Brandenburg 1945–1963. Cologne: Böhlau, 2002; Die Sozialgeschichte der DDR. Munich: Oldenbourg, 2005; Das umstrittene Gedächtnis. Paderborn: Schöningh, 2012.