CEU Press

List of Illustrations
Preface and Acknowledgements
Chapter One. Introduction
Xenopoulos: Case Study
Evolutionary Theories
Social Implications of Evolutionism
Darwinism in Literature and Criticism
Darwinian Themes in International Literature
General Reception and Impact of Darwinism in Greece
Future Direction of the Greek Race: Eugenics and Post-Darwinian Discourse
Chapter Two. The Darwinian Impact on Modern Greek Writers
“Voltaire” and “Dock”
Emmanuel Roidis
Kostis Palamas
Nikos Kazantzakis
Alexandros Papadiamantis
Appendix. Poem: Τόπο αλλάζει and Its English Translation
Poem: Δαρβίνος and Its English Translation
Chapter Three. Darwinian reflections: Children’s Guidance
Science and Positivism
Heldreich and Gradualism
The Gender Divide
Science and Religion
Physiognomies and Expressions
Chapter Four. A Re-Reading of Rich and poor: It’s All in the Eyes
Literary Criticism, the “Note” and Prologue
Physiognomy, Expressions and Natural Selection
The Eyes ― Mirror of the Soul
Chapter Five. Metamorphoses of Woman: dangerous fantasies
Xenopoulos’ Comments
Literary Criticism
Transforming Tereza
Chapter Six. New Woman, Degeneration/Regeneration and The Descent of Man
“The three-sided woman”
“Τhe night of degeneration”
Addendum: The Female Sex’s Handbookt
Darwin’s Footprint examines the impact of Darwinism in Greece, investigating how it has shaped Greece in terms of its cultural and intellectual history, and in particular its literature.
The book demonstrates that in the late 19th to early 20th centuries Darwinism and associated science strongly influenced celebrated Greek literary writers and other influential intellectuals, which fueled debate in various areas such as ‘man’s place in nature’, eugenics, the nature-nurture controversy, religion, as well as class, race and gender.
In addition, the study reveals that many of these individuals were also considering alternative approaches to these issues based on Darwinian and associated biological post-Darwinian ideas. Their concerns included the Greek “race” or nation, its culture, language and identity; also politics and gender equality.
Zarimis’s monograph devotes considerable space to Xenopoulos (1867-1951), notable novelist, journalist and playwright.
Maria Zarimis is Adjunct lecturer in the School of Humanities and Languages at the University of New South Wales, Australia.