CEU Press

Marianna D. Birnbaum and Marcell Sebők
The Good Fowler as a World Conqueror: Images of Suleyman the Magnificent in Early Modern Hungarian Literary Practice
Ágnes Drosztmér
Repercussions of a Murder: The Death of Sehzade Mustafa on the Early Modern English Stage
Seda Erkoç
Constructing a Self-Image in the Image of the Other: Pope Pius II’s Letter to Sultan Mehmed II
Özden Merçan
Topography of a Society: Muslims, Dwellers, and Customs of Algiers in Antonio de Sosa’s Topographia, e Historia General de Argel
Johanna Tóth
The Ragusan Image of Venice and the Venetian Image of Ragusa in the Early Modern Period
Lovro Kunčević
All Moldavian Eyes on Ottomans: Perceptions and Representations at the End of the Fifteenth Century
Teodora Artimon
List of Contributors
Marianna D. Birnbaum is Research Professor in the Department of Germanic Languages at UCLA. She is also involved in the Medieval Studies Department’s programs at the Central European University, Budapest.
Marcell Sebok is Assistant Professor at the Department of Medieval Studies of Central European University.