CEU Press

Acronyms and abbreviations
Chapter 1. Mobilizing the Nation: From War Propaganda to Peacetime Cultural Diplomacy and Beyond
From the Emergence of Wartime Propaganda to the Changing Nature of International Relations
Hungarian Dreamland and Its Destruction, 1918–1920
Hungary, 1920–1927: From Turmoil to Consolidation
1927: Opening a New Phase
Stages of Traditional and Cultural Diplomacy, 1927–1941
Chapter 2. Defining the Nation
National Identity before the Nation-State?
Post-World War I Crisis of Culture
Hungarian Nemzetkarakterológia
Main Themes and Topoi
Chapter 3. Educating International Public Opinion: Cultural
Institutions and Scholarly Publications
The Hungarian Reference Library
Academic Publishing and Lectures
Chapter 4. Showcasing the Nation: The Role of Tourism
The Hungarian Tourist Industry and the Image of Hungary before Trianon
“A Country without Mountains or Sea”: The Reorganization of the Hungarian Tourist Industry after World War I
Tourism Propaganda and the Constant Problem of Image
Competing Mental and Physical Landscapes of Hungary’s Tourist Image
1938: Hopes, Disappointments, and Change
Chapter 5. Becoming Audible and Visible: Radio Broadcasting and Cinematic Production in the Service of Cultural Diplomacy
Radio Broadcasting: Providing Voice for a Nation
Radio: Cultural Diplomacy’s Sharpest Weapon
Domestic Challenges: The Hungarianness of Hungarian Radio
Challenges to the Radio’s Foreign Policy: From “the Battle of Radio Armaments” to War
The Birth, Destruction, and Rebirth of the Hungarian Movie Industry, 1896–1929
Celluloid Résumés: The Role of Kulturfilme and Newsreels
Zsolt Nagy is assistant professor of history at the University of St. Thomas, St. Paul, MN.