CEU Press

PART 1. The Ustasha Movement From its Origins to 1941
Chapter 1. Origins
Chapter 2. The Kingdom of Serbs, Croats, and Slovenes and Italy
Chapter 3. Under The Duce’s Wing
Chapter 4. The Regicide
Chapter 5. From Turin to Zagreb
PART 2. The Ustasha in Power, 1941–45
Chapter 1. The Independent State of Croatia
Chapter 2. The Massacres of Serbs, Jews, and Romani
Chapter 3. Survival Problems for the Independent State
Chapter 4. Crisis and the End of the Croatian State
PART 3. The Ustasha and the Cold War, 1945–59
Chapter 1. War Criminals on the Run
Chapter 2. Camps and Monasteries: the Ustasha Return to Italy
Chapter 3. The Anticommunist Crusade
Chapter 4. Toward The New World
Chapter 5. The Ustasha In Argentina
Epilogue The Question of the Ustasha between Yugoslavia and the Vatican, 1952–72
Giorgio Cingolani is lecturer at Department of Economics and Social Sciences, at the Università Politecnica delle Marche, Italy. He is author of books, essays and articles on economic, social and political history and he participated in various international research projects.
Pino Adriano has a degree in History of Philosophy (1968, University of Florence). In 25 years of collaboration with the RAI (Radio Televisione Italiana), he directed and wrote over 100 documentary films about Italian history, culture and art.