Rethinking Open Society

Michael Ignatieff, Stefan Roch (red.)
Rethinking Open Society
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Michael Ignatieff

PART I. The Open Society Ideal: For and Against
A Conversation Between Mark Lilla and Michael Ignatieff
Mark Lilla and Michael Ignatieff

The Open Society from a Conservative Perspective
Roger Scruton
Educating Skeptical but Passionate Citizens: The Open Society Ideal as a University Mission
Stefan Roch

PART II. Open Society in Practice: Democracy, Rule of Law, Free Speech and Secularism
Democracy Defended and Challenged
Thomas Christiano
Free Speech and the Defence of an Open Society
Timothy Garton Ash
Religion in the Open Society
Tim Crane
Constitutionalism in Closing Societies
Andras Sajo

PART III. Open Society in 21st Century Geopolitics
Open Societies at Home and Abroad
Stephen Walt
Open Society and 21st century Globalization [Network Approach]
Niall Ferguson
Eurasia, Europe, and the Question of U.S. Leadership
Robert Kaplan
Germany and the Fate of Open Society in Europe
Daniela Schwarzer
War and Open Society
Margaret MacMillan

PART IV. Open Society’s New Enemies: The Authoritarian Competitors
How Can Populism Be Defeated?
Jan-Werner Müller
Beyond Demagoguery? The Contemporary Crisis of Political Communication
Erica Benner
Populism and Democracy in Europe: History and Theory
Pierre Rosanvallon
The Enduring Appeal of the One-Party State
Anne Applebaum

PART V. From Transition to Backsliding: Did Open Societies Fail?
Capitalism and Democracy in East Central Europe: A Sequence of Crises
Dorothee Bohle
Perhapsburg: Reflections on the Fragility and Resilience of Europe
Ivan Krastev
European Divides: Crisis of Democracy, Nationhood, Multiculturalism
Jacques Rupnik
The Open Society and the Problem of Corruption: Diagnosis and Remedies
Alina Mungiu Pippidi
The Political Economy of Open Society in East-Central Europe: Recent Trends
Béla Greskovits

Michael Ignatieff

Michael Ignatieff, Stefan Roch (red.)

Rethinking Open Society

De onderstaande tekst is niet beschikbaar in het Nederlands en wordt in het Engels weergegeven.
The key values of the Open Society – freedom, justice, tolerance, democracy, and respect for knowledge – are increasingly under threat in today’s world. As an effort to uphold those values, this volume brings together some of the key political, social and economic thinkers of our time to re-examine the Open Society closely in terms of its history, its achievements and failures, and its future prospects. Based on the lecture series Rethinking Open Society, which took place between 2017 and 2018 at the Central European University, the volume is deeply embedded in the history and purpose of CEU, its Open Society mission, and its belief in educating skeptical, but passionate citizens.
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Michael Ignatieff

Michael Ignatieff served as President and Rector of CEU between 2016 and 2021. He now is a professor in CEU's history department. Ignatieff comes to CEU after serving as Edward R. Murrow Professor of Practice of the Press, Politics, and Public Policy at Harvard University’s John F. Kennedy School of Government.

Stefan Roch

Stefan Roch is researcher at the Central European University.