CEU Press

Part I: Document/Law Reading as Peace Unmaking
Chapter 1. Dediscoursification; Or, the Dayton Peace Implementation as a Continuation of the State of War
Chapter 2. UN GA S/1995/1021: A 'Backward-Looking' Treaty?
Chapter 3. Politische Justiz, Fictive Histories, and Irrationalizing Interpretation at the Bosnian Constitutional Court (U 5/98-III)
Chapter 4. The Issue of the Bosnia and Herzegovina Election Law: The Curious Case of Željko Komšić, Our 'Vidkun Quisling'
Chapter 5. Recognizing Bosnia's Constituent Ethnic Identities
Part II: Discursive Mechanisms of Political Power
Chapter 6. The High Representative – An Engine of Progress?
Chapter 7. 'Junkyard Dogs,' 'Viennese Stable Tenders' and the 'Savior of Bosnian Muslims': American Peace/War-Making Politics in Bosnia, to Dayton and Beyond
Chapter 8. Misrepresentation of Bosnia-Herzegovina in the US Congress
Dražen Pehar is a Croatian-Bosnian political scientist, university lecturer, and public commentator.