The Three Cs of Higher Education

Liviu Matei, Mark O'Hara, Rosalind M.O. Pritchard (red.)
The Three Cs of Higher Education
Competition, Collaboration and Complementarity
€ 56,95 excl. BTW
Aantal pagina's
15.5 x 22.9 cm
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List of Tables and Figures
List of Abbreviations

James Williams

PART I. The Higher Education System: The ‘Three Cs’

Policies and Values
Chapter 1. Competition, Collaboration and Complementarity: Higher Education Policies in Europe
Frank Ziegele and Lisa Mordhorst

Chapter 2. Current Challenges to Academic Freedom: Academic Capitalism and Neo-nationalism
Sheila Slaughter

Institutional Identity and Ownership
Chapter 3. Investigating Organisational Identity in HEIs
Lise Degn
Chapter 4. Gender Imbalance in Higher Education: A Comparison between Academic Positions, European Countries and Study Subjects
Caroline Friedhoff, Deborah Werner and John Roman

Rankings, Evaluation and their Impact on Academia
Chapter 5. Do Classifications and Rankings Improve or Damage Institutions?
Victor M. H. Borden, Cynthia Cogswell and Fox Troilo
Chapter 6. National Evaluation Systems and Universities’ Strategic Capacities: Case Studies among European Universities
Laura Behrmann and Thorben Sembritzki

PART II. Student Experience and ‘the Three Cs’

Recruiting and Managing Students
Chapter 7. Searching for the Perfect Match: Evaluation of Personal Statements Using a Multi-method Approach
Julia Zeeh, Karl Ledermuller and Michaela Kobler-Weis
Chapter 8. ‘Learning to Fly’: Higher Education Students’ and Institutional Leaders’ Perceptions of the Relevance of Institutional Support Mechanisms in their Integration Process
Maria Jose Sa, Teresa Carvalho and Maria de Lourdes Machado-Taylor

Internationalisation and the Student
Chapter 9. The Perceived Impact of Intercultural Awareness on Peer Interaction: Study of a UK University
Ming Cheng, Olalekan Adeban Adekola, Gayle Pringle Barnes and Linghui Tian
Chapter 10. The Development of Intercultural Competencies During a Stay Abroad: Does Cultural Distance Matter?
Joris Boonen, Ankie Hoefnagels and Mark Pluymaekers

Engaging Student Diversity
Chapter 11. Cultivating Voter Participation among First-generation College Students: The Relationship of Study Abroad Participation to Post-college Voting Behaviour
Radomir Ray Mitic

Encouraging Entrepreneurial Spirit among Students
Chapter 12. Developing Students’ Innovation Capacities: A Comparison between US and Germany
Benjamin S. Selznick, Lini Zhang, Matthew J. Mayhew, Carolin Bock and Daniel Dilmetz

PART III. Conclusion: The ‘Three Cs’ in Practice
Chapter 13. The Virtues of Cooperation, Complementarity and Competition in Higher Education in Time of Crisis
Liviu Matei

List of Contributors

The Three Cs of Higher Education

Competition, Collaboration and Complementarity

De onderstaande tekst is niet beschikbaar in het Nederlands en wordt in het Engels weergegeven.
The thirteen papers in this collection address three aspects of higher education, primarily in Europe but also in the United States. These aspects are competition, collaboration, and complementarity, both on the level of policy and on the practical level of impact on students and staff. Competition, especially for funding, occurs between and within institutions. Collaboration, more than a basic code of conduct, has become a political principle across Europe. Complementarity in the market for higher education facilitates this collaboration. The themes and contexts in higher education for which the three Cs are examined include missions and identities, response to external forces, the impact of evaluation systems and ranking schemes, the effects of globalisation, intercultural awareness and gender imbalance, and the challenges of student participation. Statistical tables and visual aids support the analysis and arguments. This book is the fifth in a series of publications drawn from the annual Forums of the European Association of Institutional Research (EAIR) from 2013 onwards

Liviu Matei

Liviu Matei is a Professor of Higher Education and Public Policy, and Head of the School of Education, Communication and Society at King’s College London.

Mark O'Hara

Mark O’Hara is Professor and Associate Dean at the Faculty of Health, Education and Life Sciences, Birmingham City University, United Kingdom.

Rosalind M.O. Pritchard

Rosalind Pritchard is Emeritus Professor of Education, Ulster University, Coleraine, Northern Ireland, United Kingdom