Women, Violence and War

Vesna Nikolic-Ristanovic
Women, Violence and War
Wartime Victimization of Refugees in the Balkans
€ 56,99
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Chapter 1: A brief history of Bosnia Herzegovina (from its origins to the 1995 Dayton peace accords

Chapter 2: Definitions of violence in war and the experience of women: the research

Chapter 3: The method and the sample: a contribution to the feminist critique of methodology

Chapter 4: Sexual violence

Chapter 5: The Hague Tribunal and rape in the former Yugoslavia

Chapter 6: Physical abuse and homicide

Chapter 7: Psychological violence and fear in war, and their consequences for the psychological health of women

Chapter 8: Separation and dissolution of family

Chapter 9: Life in refuge – changes in socioeconomic and familiar status

Chapter 10: Social acceptance and the difficulties of adapting to a new environment

Chapter 11: Strategies of support and help




List of Contributors


Vesna Nikolic-Ristanovic

Women, Violence and War

Wartime Victimization of Refugees in the Balkans

De onderstaande tekst is niet beschikbaar in het Nederlands en wordt in het Engels weergegeven.

Based on interviews with seventy women refugees, Women, Violence and War is a book about war as it is seen, lived and interpreted by women who were citizens of the former Yugoslavia.

Many of the accounts portray the horrific experiences the victims had to face and the book addresses issues of sexual, physical and psychological violence, as well as problems of confinement, upheaval and family separation. In a completely new insight the book dispels the myth that many of the women were peasants, and shows that in fact they were educated, middle-class women with independent careers. The study also depicts how some of the victims attempt to come to terms with the aftermath of wartime abuse.

This probing, accurate and unique investigation of victimization is an unparalleled volume that presents a completely new perspective maintaining that violence against women in war is not independent of peace-time victimization and the imbalance of power between sexes.

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Vesna Nikolic-Ristanovic

Vesna Nikolic-Ristanovic is senior researcher at the Institute of Criminological and Sociological Research, and lecturer at the Center for Women’s Studies, Belgrade.