CEU Press

PART I. Cultural Representations of Psychoanalysis in Personal and Social history
"A Museum of Human Excrement"
Michael Molnár
Anomalies of Demarcation in the Light of the Nineteenth-century Occult Revival
Júlia Gyimesi
Psychoanalysis in Representative Organs of the Hungarian Press between 1913 and 1939
Melinda Friedrich
Alice Bálint at the Intersection of the Personal, Professional, and Political
Anna Borgos
PART II. Ferenczi and Róheim Revisited
Violence, Trauma, and Hypocrisy
Ferenc Erős
Sándor Ferenczi's Epistemologies and Their Politics: On Utraquism and the Analogical Method
Raluca Soreanu
"Tell Them that We are not Like Wild Kangaroos": Géza Róheim and the (Fully) Human Primitive
Shaul Bar-Haim
Géza Róheim—Alienness as a Source of Political Attitude
György Péter Hárs
PART III. Psychoanalysis and Psy-knowledge in Soft and Hard Dictatorships
Psychoanalysis in Troubled Times: Conformism or Resistance?
Stephen Frosh
Psychoanalysis and Taking Sides: Two Moments in the History of the Psychoanalytic Movement
Júlia Borossa
How Ideology Shaped Psychology in Times of Wars and after Wars
Gordana Jovanović
The Social Roles and Positions of the Hungarian Psychologist-Intelligentsia between 1945 and the 1970s. A Case Study of Hungarian Child-Psychology
Melinda Kovai
Remembering the Reinstatement of Hungarian Psychology in the Kádár Era. Reconstructing Psychology through Interviews
Dóra Máriási
PART IV. The Politics of Psychiatry—Bodies, Illnesses, and Mental Health
The Hygiene of Everyday Life and the Politics of Turn-of-the-century Psychiatric Expertise in Hungary
Emese Lafferton
Who is Mentally Ill? Psychiatry and the Individual in Interwar Germany
Zsuzsanna Agora and Virág Rab
Russian Psychiatry beyond Foucault: Violence, Humanism and Psychiatric Power in the Russian Empire at the End of the Nineteenth and Early Twentieth Centuries
Ruslan Mitrofanov
Patients and Observers. Specific Data Collection Methods in an Interwar Transylvanian Hospital
Zsuzsa Bokor
Contemporary Defenses of Psychiatry's Moral-Medical Types in Light of Foucault's Lectures on the Abnormal
Balázs Berkovits
PART V. Critical psychology and the epistemology of psy-knowledge
Neoliberal Governmentality, Austerity, and Psycho-Politics
Philip Thomas
Psycho-Politics and Illness Constructions in the Background of the DSM-5's Trauma-Concept
Márta Csabai, Orsolya Papp-Zipernovszky
Is Integration Possible for Psychoanalysis?
Aleksandr Dimitrijević
Parallels, Intersections, and Clashes: Journeys on the Fringe
Dennis Fox
About the Authors
Psy-sciences (psychology, psychiatry, psychoanalysis, pedagogy, criminology, special education, etc.) have been connected to politics in different ways since the early twentieth century. Here in twenty-two essays scholars address a variety of these intersections from a historical perspective.
The chapters include such diverse topics as the cultural history of psychoanalysis, the complicated relationship between psychoanalysis and the occult, and the struggles for dominance between the various schools of psychology. They show the ambivalent positions of the "psy" sciences in the dictatorships and authoritarian regimes of Nazi Germany, East European communism, Latin-American military dictatorships, and South African apartheid, revealing the crucial role of psychology in legitimating and "normalizing" these regimes.
The authors also discuss the ideological and political aspects of mental health and illness in Hungary, Germany, post-WW1 Transylvania, and Russia. Other chapters describe the attempt by critical psychology to understand the production of academic, therapeutic, and everyday psychological knowledge in the context of the power relations of modern capitalist societies.
Anna Borgos is Research Fellow is Institute of Cognitive Neuroscience and Psychology, Hungarian Academy of Sciences.
Júlia Gyimesi ia Associate Professor at the Department of Personality and Clinical Psychology, Pázmány Péter Catholic University, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, Budapest.
Ferenc Eros DSc is Professor Emeritus at the Doctoral School of Psychology, University of Pécs, Hungary.