Abbreviations related to the collections of the Vatican Secret Archives
Piroska Nagy, Peripheries in Question in Late Medieval Christendom
Kirsi Salonen, The Penitentiary under Pope Pius II. The Supplications and Their Provenance
Torstein Jørgensen, At the Edge of the World: The Supplications from the Norwegian Province of Nidaros
Kirsi Salonen, The Supplications from the Province of Uppsala. Main Trends and Developments
Irene Furneaux, Pre-Reformation Scottish Marriage Cases in the Archives of the Papal Penitentiary
Jadranka Neralic, Central Europe and the Late Medieval Papal Chancery
Etleva Lala, The Papal Curia and Albania in the Later Middle Ages
Piroska Nagy and Kirsi Salonen, East-Central Europe and the Penitentiary (1458–1484)
Lucie Doležalová, "But if you marry me": Reflections on the Hussite Movement in the Penitentiary (1438–1483)
Ana Marinkovic, Social and Territorial Endogamy in the Ragusan Republic: Matrimonial Dispenses during the Pontificates of Paul II and Sixtus IV (1464–1484)
Gastone Saletnich and Wolfgang Müller, Rodolfo Gonzaga (1452–1495): News on a Celebrity Murder Case
Blanka Szeghyová, Church and Secular Courts in Upper Hungary (Fourteenth to Sixteenth Century)
Ludwig Schmugge, Penitentiary Documents from Outside the Penitentiary
Gerhard Jaritz, Patterns and Levels of Periphery?
List of Contributors