Editors’ Preface
Introductory Essay by Vojtech Mastny
Acronyms and Abbreviations
Chronology of Events
The Documents
Document No. 1: The Warsaw Treaty, May 14, 1955
Document No. 2: Statute of the Warsaw Treaty Unified Command, September 7, 1955
Document No. 3: Imre Nagy Telegram to Diplomatic Missions in Budapest Declaring Hungary’s Neutrality, November 1, 1956
Document No. 4: Gen. Jan Drzewiecki’s Critique of the Statute of the Unified Command, November 3, 1956
Document No. 5: Polish Memorandum on Reform of the Warsaw Pact, January 10, 1957
Document No. 6: Gen. Drzewiecki Interview regarding Memorandum on Reform of the Warsaw Pact, May 8, 1997
Document No. 7: Soviet Directives to the Czechoslovak Army on Operational and Combat Preparations, September 25, 1957
Document No. 8: Draft of a Warsaw Pact-NATO Non-aggression Treaty, May 24, 1958
Document No. 9: Marshal Ivan Konev Analysis of a Czechoslovak Army Operational Exercise, March 31-April 7, 1959
Document No. 10: Conclusions from the Operational Exercise of the Czechoslovak Army, March 31–April 7, 1959
Document No. 11: East German Description of a West German Plan for the Occupation of the GDR, July 29, 1959
Document No. 12: Warsaw Pact Views of NATO’s Plans and Capabilities, April 28, 1960
Document No. 13: The Soviet-Albanian Dispute, March 22-28, 1961
Document No. 14: Political Consultative Committee Resolution on the Restructuring and Modernization of Warsaw Pact Forces, March 29, 1961
Document No. 15: The Soviet Conception of Czechoslovakia’s Role in a European War, April 1961
Document No. 16: Speech by Marshal Malinovskii Describing the Need for Warsaw Pact Offensive Operations, May 1961
Document No. 17: Czechoslovak Politburo Resolution on Mobilization Readiness with Respect to the Berlin Question, July 25, 1961
Document No. 18: Joint Declaration of the Warsaw Treaty States on the Berlin Wall, August 13, 1961
Document No. 19: Resolution by the Czechoslovak Party Military Defense Commission on the Introduction of Emergency Measures, September 14, 1961
Document No. 20: The “Buria” Exercise Preparing for an Advance into Western Europe, September 28-October 10, 1963
Document No. 21: Organizational Principles of the Czechoslovak Army, November 22, 1962
Document No. 22: The “Mazowsze” Exercise for Nuclear War and Interview with Gen. Tuczapski on Soviet Bloc Planning of Exercises, 1963-1964
Document No. 23: Polish Command Post Exercise Rehearsing an Advance to Northern Germany, Low Countries, and Denmark, June 14, 1963
Document No. 24: Mongolian Request for Admission to the Warsaw Pact, July 15, 1963
Document No. 25: Polish Foreign Ministry Memorandum regarding Possible Mongolian Accession to the Warsaw Treaty, July 20, 1963
Document No. 26: Czechoslovak Drafts of Orders and Appeals to be Issued in Occupied Western European Territories, June 29, 1964
Document No. 27: Warsaw Pact War Plan for the Czechoslovak Front, October 14, 1964
Document No. 28: Warsaw Pact Intelligence on NATO’s Strategy and Combat Readiness, 1965
Document No. 29: Albanian Note to the Political Consultative Committee, January 15, 1965
Document No. 30: Memorandum of Discussion at Political Consultative Committee Meeting in Warsaw, January 20, 1965
Document No. 31: Plan for Hungarian Command-Staff War Game, May 1965
Document No. 32: Transcript of Ceausescu--Deng Conversation, July 25, 1965
Document No. 33: Hungarian Proposals for Reform of the Warsaw Pact, January 18-19, 1966
Document No. 34: Polish Proposals for Reform of the Warsaw Pact, January 21 & 26, 1966
Document No 35: Czechoslovak Proposal for Reform of the Warsaw Pact, February 1966
Document No. 36: Statement by the Romanian Chief of Staff on Reform of the Warsaw Pact, February 4-9, 1966
Document No. 37: Summary of Discussion at Conference of Warsaw Treaty Deputy Foreign Ministers, February 17, 1966
Document No. 38: Study of Special Features of a Surprise Outbreak of War Prepared for the Hungarian ....