
Verena Fritz
A Comparative Study of Ukraine, Lithuania, Belarus, and Russia
€ 159,00 excl. BTW
Aantal pagina's
15.9 x 23.4 cm
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Introduction PART I. State- and institution-building — a framework for analysis Chapter 1: The state and state-building definitions and debates The state and state-building Fiscal perspectives on the state Regimes and states: the missing link in the transition debate Potential contributions of post-Soviet cases to general theories of state-building Chapter 2: A framework for assessing states: size, capacity, and quality The three aspects of the state States as problems and solutions under various regimes The size of the state State capacity: decision-making, implementation, and control Chapter 3: The dynamic of change: state-building as institution building State-building as institutional change –deterioration and re-building The costs and risks of institutional change Types of institutional change The importance of formal-informal discrepancies Chapter 4: A model of post-Soviet state-building trajectories The casual model Individual and casual factors Four state-building trajectories Summary PART II. State-building in Ukraine Chapter 5: State-building in the post-Soviet region The Soviet state and its fiscal system Institutional deterioration: perestroika and the break-up of the Soviet Union State-building in the post-Soviet ‘universe’ Exploring some quantitative relationships: level of development and political consolidation Summary Chapter 6: From Soviet breakdown to disordered independence From Soviet republic to independent Ukraine The great depression: economic crisis after independence The challenge of nation-building Struggles for power and institutional weakness A fiscal system in crisis The first steps of state-building Chapter 7: A new trajectory taking shape Economic stabilization and virtualization The bid for presidential consolidation State-society relations – the rise of political-business groups and weak democratic accountability External factors Stabilizing the fiscal system Shaping and distorting the new state Chapter 8: The second transition From hybrid regime to unconsolidated democracy Economic recovery and socio-economic policies of the new government The power of civil society and the continuing importance of opaque groups External influences on the rise Fiscal developments: reforms and revelations From Kuchma to Yushenko: Re-tooling the state Summary: the state-building process in Ukraine as reflected in the fiscal system Section 4 Chapter 9: Averting institutional change: the case of Belarus Political developments: from liberalization to democracy Economic developments: preserving the command economy Belarus’ international situation State-society relations in Belarus Fiscal policies Belarus: the strong state that does not want to be a state PART III. Chapter 10: Lithuania: Moving towards a Western model Political developments: early elite re-configuration and after Economic developments: the great leap from communism to capitalism State-society relations in Lithuania Fiscal and budgetary system State capacity and its determinants in Lithuania Chapter 11: The ‘authoritarianizing’ route to recovery: the case of Russian tax reform The stage: political power and oligarchic groups The economic background to reform State-society relations Fiscal crisis and tax reform: surveying explanations From drag to leap: the gestation and eventual success of tax reform From prolonged deterioration to unfinished recovery: the Russian path of state-building Chapter 12: Conclusion Appendix Bibliography

Verena Fritz


A Comparative Study of Ukraine, Lithuania, Belarus, and Russia

De onderstaande tekst is niet beschikbaar in het Nederlands en wordt in het Engels weergegeven.
Looks at the process of state-building in Ukraine, Lithuania, Belarus, and Russia from a political economy and institutional perspective. Weak and distorted state capacity has come to be widely recognized as a key obstacle to successful transformation—including economic modernization and growth as well as the consolidation of democracy. However, so far little systematic research has been carried out on state capacity per se and on how to explain its development. The book provides new insights in considering the evolution of Ukraine since 1992, offering an in-depth view of institutional development in crucial areas and thus tracing the process of state-building. It draws comparisons with developments in Belarus, Lithuania, and Russia (based on field research). To capture the process of state-building empirically, focuses on the extraction and expenditure systems which are a central pillar of state capacity and also a central link between citizens and the state. The book also sheds light on how Ukraine’s potential ‘second transition’ currently under way will have an impact on its institutional system.

Verena Fritz

Verena Fritz is a research fellow with the Overseas Development Institute in London. She works and publishes on state-building, governance (including public financial management), and corruption from a comparative perspective – with a special interest in countries of the former Soviet Union.