Gesta Hungarorum

Simon KézaiLászló Veszprémy (red.)
Gesta Hungarorum
The Deeds of the Hungarians
Frank Schaer
€ 141,00 excl. BTW
Aantal pagina's
15.9 x 23.4 cm
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General Editors' Preface Abbreviations List of Maps, Figures and Tables Introduction Theoretical Elements in Master Simon of Keza's Gesta Hungarorum (1282-1285) The background: The emergence of a European Structural Unity A New Historical Frame of Reference: The Nation Simon's Social Theory: The Origins of Human Inequality The New Centre of Political Thought: The Communitas Two Authors, Two Histories within One Europe Simonis de Kéza [Gesta Hungarorum] Explicit Prologus Incipiunt Hunnorum Gesta Explicit Liber Promus de Introitu Incipit Secundus Liber de Reditu De Unwornicis Simon of Keza [The Deeds of the Hungarians] End of the Prologue Beginning of the Deeds of the Huns End of the first book, about the Entry Beginning of the Second Book, about the Return The Nobles of Foreign Origin The Udvarnok Bibliography Gazetteer of Geographical Names Index of Proper Names Index of Geographical Names

Simon Kézai

László Veszprémy (red.)

Gesta Hungarorum

The Deeds of the Hungarians

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Simon of Kéza was a court cleric of the Hungarian King, Ladislas IV (1272-1290). He travelled extensively in Italy, France and Germany and culled the epic and poetic material from a broad range of readings.Written between 1282-1285, the Gesta Hungarorum is an ingenious and imaginative historical fiction of prehistory, medieval history and contemporary social history. The author divides Hungarian history into two periods: Hunnish-Hungarian prehistory and Hungarian history, giving a division which persisted in Hungary up to the beginnings of modern historiography. Simon of Kéza provides a vivid retelling of the well known Attila stories, using such lively prose as - ".the battle lasted for 15 days on end, Csaba's army received such a crushing defeat that very few of the Huns or the sons of Attila survived, the river Danube from Sicambria as far as the city of Potentia was swollen with blood and for several days neither men nor animals could drink the water." The book is also significant because of the author's legal-theoretical framework of corporate self government and constitutional law, inspired by French and Italian sources and practice, which made this chronicle become an integral part of Hungarian historiography.

Simon Kézai

Simon of Kéza (Simon Kézai) was a court cleric of the Hungarian King, Ladislas IV (1272-1290). He travelled extensively in Italy, France and Germany and culled the epic and poetic material from a broad range of readings.


László Veszprémy

László Veszprémy, DSc is medievalist, paleographer, visiting professor at CEU, Department of Medieval Studies, director of the Institute of Military History. Books: co-author of the series Mittelalterliche lateinische Handschriftenfragmente (1988-98); editor, among other books, of Simonis de Kéza, Gesta Hungarorum (1999 CEMT 1); and (with B. K. Király) A Millennium of Hungarian Military History (2002).