Krúdy's Chronicles

John Batki (red.)
Krúdy's Chronicles
Turn-of-the-Century Hungary in Gyula Krudy's Journalism
€ 56,95 excl. BTW
Aantal pagina's
15.5 x 22.9 cm
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John Lukacs: The Chronicler and the Historian

Tiszaeszlár, Fifty Years Later
Frigyes Podmaniczky’s Beard
The Bridegroom of Andrássy Avenue
The St. Stephen’s Day Traveler
Catholic Crusading Knights of Yore: Their Glory and Their Decline
Somosy, the Man Who Taught Budapest a Lesson in Nightlife
The Court Kept by Miklós Szemere
The Authentic Account of a Legendary Card Battle
One Hundred Years of Horse Racing in Budapest
The Rose of Pest
László Mednyánszky, the Vagabond Baron
The Novelist at the Casino
My Adventures with the Poet on the Crooked Sidewalks
The Lord Mayor of Budapest
The Streets of St. Theresa
Kossuth’s Son
Francis Joseph’s Wine
Francis Joseph I, the Foremost Gentleman in Europe
Ida Ferenczy, the Queen’s Lady-in-Waiting
Baltazzi, the Agent of the Prince
Letter from Pest, 10 May 1914
Winter Campaign
A Budapest Gentleman who had Stepped Forth from an Old Woodcut
Women’s Hands
A Hungarian Village After Sundown
The Coronation
Charles IV, Our Ill-Starred King
If the Elder Tisza Were to Return...
The Golden Age of Budapest
Budapest Stark Naked
A Revolutionary Conversation with a Russian Lady
István Tisza’s Journey Toward Death
The New Conquest
How the Revolution Broke Out
Land Distribution at Kápolna
Károlyi’s Strange Career
“The Bolshie”
We, the Old-Time Hungarians
Hungarian Gentry
Forefathers and Descendants

Notes compiled by László Kelecsényi

John Batki (red.)

Krúdy's Chronicles

Turn-of-the-Century Hungary in Gyula Krudy's Journalism

De onderstaande tekst is niet beschikbaar in het Nederlands en wordt in het Engels weergegeven.

Written during the 1910s '20s and '30s, these articles offer a wistful and nostalgic image of the waning years of the Austro-Hungarian empire, with portraits of the Habsburgs, culminating in first-hand reports in 1916, from Vienna on the funeral of Emperor Francis Joseph I, and from Budapest on the coronation of Charles IV, the last king of Hungary. Krúdy's reports follow the bloodless democratic revolution of 1918, the Károlyi government and the short-lived Soviet Republic, and present cameos of the leading political figures of the day such as Ferenc Kossuth, Mihály Károlyi and Béla Kun.

In his lively, casual pieces Krúdy displays his intimate knowledge of Hungarian society with a special emphasis on literature and publishing.
