CEU Press

Note on Contributors
1 lntroduction
Jiří Musil
I Structural Aspects of the Break-Up
2 Czech and Slovak Demography
Milan Kučera and Zdeněk Pavlik
3 Economic Development and Relations, 1918-89
Václav Průcha
4 Czech and Slovak Society
Jiří Musil
II National Consciousness
5 National Consciousness and the Common State (A Historical-Ethnological Analysis)
Jan Rychlík
6 Slovakia in Czech National Consciousness
Zdeněk Suda
7 Mutual Perceptions in Czech-Slovak Relationships
Petr Příhoda
8 Slovak Exceptionalism
Miroslav Kusý
III History of Czech-Slovak Relations
9 Political Power-Sharing in the Interwar Period
Alena Bartlová
10 From Autonomy to Federation, 1938-68
Jan Rychlík
11 Towards a Shared Freedom, 1968-89
Petr Pithart
IV The Process of Disintegration
12 The Politics of Transition and the Break-Up of Czeehoslovakia
Sharon L. Wolchik
13 The Velvet Divoree - Institutional Foundations
Václav Žák
V The lnternational Aspects
14 The Intemational Context
Jacques Rupnik
Scholars and practitioners from both sides of the divide, Czech and Slovak, as well as international experts, take an in-depth look at the causes of Czechoslovakia's break-up, and explain why a seemingly successful country should disintegrate so quickly after the collapse of the communist regime. Besides exploring the political processes leading to the split, the authors analyse the underlying social, economic and cultural differences between the two nations and examine the historical roots of the problems. Particular attention is paid to changing Czech and Slovak attitudes towards the common state and towards each other, from the heyday of the First Republic to the disillusionment of the post-1989 period.
Jirí Musil is Professor of Sociology at the Central European University in Budapest and Warsaw and at Charles University in Prague. He was the first Academic Director of the Prague College of CEU. He is a member of the “Academia Europea” and “Academia Scientiarum et Artium Europaea” and a founding member of the Czech Learned Society. His main professional fields are urban and regional sociology and sociology of culture.