List of Maps
List of Tables
Hugh McLeod
Preface and Acknowledgements
Introduction: Christianity, Christians, and the Story of Modernity in Eastern Europe
Brian Porter-Szucs
Religion in Everyday Urban Life: Shaping Modernity in Lódz and Manchester, 1820–1914
Andreas Kossert
Christianity, Nation, State: The Case of Christian Hungary
Paul Hanebrink
Searching for a “Fourth Path”: Czech Catholicism between Liberalism, Communism, and Nazism
Martin C. Putna
The Roman Catholic Church Navigates the New Slovakia, 1945–1948
James Ramon Felak
Bulwark or Patchwork? Religious Exceptionalism and Regional Diversity in Postwar Poland
James Bjork
Competing Concepts of “Reunification” behind the Liquidation of the Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church
Natalia Shlikhta
From Bottom to the Top and Back: On How to Build a Church in Communist Romania
Anca Sincan
Human Rights as a Theological and Political Controversy among East German and Czech Protestants
Katharina Kunter
State Management of the Seer Vanga: Power, Medicine, and the “Remaking” of Religion in Socialist Bulgaria
Galia Valtchinova
Constructing Peace in the GDR: Conscientious Objection and Compromise among Christians, 1962–1989
David Doellinger
On the Ruin of Christendom: Religious Politics and the Challenge of Islam in the New West
Patrick Hyder Patterson
Drafting a Historical Geography of East European Christianity
Bruce R. Berglund
List of Contributors