Preface by Jacques Le Goff
List of Abbreviations
Marianne SÁGHY: Pope Damasus and the Beginnings of Roman Hagiography
Ildikó CSEPREGI: Theological Self-Definition in Byzantine Miraculous Healing
Cristian-Nicolae GASPAR: (Re)claiming Adalbert: Patristic Quotations and Their Function in Canaparius’ Vita S. Adalberti
Patrick GEARY: “Pull you Sons of Whores! ”Linguistic Register and Reform in the Legend of St. Clement
János BAK: Hagiography and Chronicles
André VAUCHEZ: Hagiography and Biography: The Case of St. Francis of Assisi
Péter BOKODY: Idolatry or Power: St. Francis in Front of the Sultan
Stanko ANDRIC: Blessed John of France, the First Franciscan Minister Provincial in Hungary, and his Miracles
József LASZLOVSZKY: Material Culture and Everyday Life in the Acts of Canonization and Legends of St.Margaret
Viktória DEÁK: The Techniques of a Hagiographer: The Two Legendae of Saint Margaret of Hungary
Dávid FALVAY: St. Elizabeth of Hungary in Italian Vernacular Literature (Thirteenth to Fifteenth Centuries)
Stanislava KUZMOVÁ: Division and Reintegration of St. Stanislaus: A Political Analogy in Sermons?
Balázs NAGY: Saints, Names, and Identities: The Case of Charles IV of Luxemburg
Erno MAROSI: Saints at Home and Abroad: Some Observations on the Creation of Iconographic Types in Hungary of the Fourteenth and Fifteenth Centuries
Béla Zsolt SZAKÁCS: Palatine Lackfi and his Saints: Frescos in the Franciscan Church of Keszthely
Gerhard JARITZ: Late Medieval Saints and the Visual Representation of Rural Space
György GALAMB: Sainthood in the Propaganda of Mendicant Orders: The Case of the Dialogus contra fraticellos of James of the Marches
Ottó GECSER: Sermons on St. Sebastian after the Black Death
Emoke NAGY: “Had She Born Ten Daughters, She would have Named them All Mary Because of the Kindness of the First Mary.” St. Anne in the Sermons of Two Late Medieval Hungarian Preachers
Petra MUTLOVA: The Cult of the Saints in the Bohemian Reformation: The Question of Images
Marina MILADINOV: Madonna of Loreto as a Target of Reformation Critique: Peter Paul Vergerius the Younger
Benedek LÁNG: Saint Christopher, the Patron of Treasure-Hunters
List of Contributors