Basic Income on the Agenda
Basic Income on the Agenda
Policy Objectives and Political Chances
€ 49,99
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16 x 24 cm
Toon inhoudsopgaveVerberg inhoudsopgave
Table of Contents - 6 How Attractive is a Basic Income for European Welfare States? - 14 Preface - 8 Acknowledgements - 12 Part One - Policy Objectives - 40 In Search of the Double-Edged Sword - 42 Basic Income and its Cognates: Partial Basic Income versus Earned Income Tax Credit and Reductions of Social Security Contributions as Alternative Ways of Addressing the ‘New Social Question’ - 54 Activation and the Burden of Working: On Instrument Choice by a Responsibility-Sensitive Egalitarian Government - 86 Arguing for a Negative Income Tax in Germany - 108 Hush Money or Emancipation Fee? A Gender Analysis of Basic Income - 122 Prospects for Basic Income in an Age of Inactivity? - 138 Basic Income and Social Europe - 156 Basic Income at the Heart of Social Europe? Reply to Fritz Scharpf - 162 European Basic Income or the Race to the Bottom:Why Politicians Might Come to Think the Unthinkable - 171 Bibliography - 187 Part Two - Political Chances - 196 Clues and Leads in the Debate on Basic Income in the Netherlands - 198 The History of an Idea:Why Did Basic Income Thrill the Finns, but not he Swedes? - 225 From Concept to Green Paper: Putting Basic Income on the Agenda in Ireland - 239 Short Cuts and Wrong Tracks on the Long March to Basic Income: Debating Social Policy Reform in Germany - 248 Ups and Downs of Basic Income in Denmark - 258 What Reforms are Needed for the Minimum Insertion Income (RMI) in France - 269 The VIVANT Experiment in Belgium - 277 Notes on the Contributors - 286 Index - 288

Robbert-Jan van der Veen, Loek Groot

Basic Income on the Agenda

Policy Objectives and Political Chances

Aanhoudende werkloosheid, armoede en sociale uitsluiting, flexibiliteit van de arbeidsmarkt, baanonzekerheid en hoger loonongelijkheid zijn factoren die druk uitoefenen op de sociale voorzieningen in Europa. Dit boek verkent de mogelijkheden van een (onvoorwaardelijk) basisinkomen om zo het hoofd te bieden aan de uitdagingen die deze ontwikkelingen met zich meebrengen. Tevens evalueert het de politieke kansen in verschillende Europese landen voor een basisinkomen. De besproken thema's zijn zeer relevant voor beleidsmakers op het gebied van arbeidsmarkt en sociale zekerheid, economen, politieke filosofen en het algemene publiek.
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