The Local Dimension of Migration Policymaking
The Local Dimension of Migration Policymaking
€ 56,95 excl. BTW
Aantal pagina's
15.6 x 23.4 cm
Toon inhoudsopgaveVerberg inhoudsopgave
Contents - 6 Introduction - 10 1. Naturalisation politics in Switzerland: explaining rejection rates at the local level - 34 2. Grassroots multiculturalism in Italy: Milan, Bologna and Naples compared - 58 3. Young immigrants’ low participation in the German vocational training system: how local actors in Munich and Frankfurt/Main try to make a difference - 86 4. Local policies concerning unemployment among immigrant youth in Amsterdam and in Berlin: towards strategic replacement and pragmatic accommodation - 110 5. Managing religious pluralism in Canadian cities: mosques in Montreal and Laval - 136 Conclusion: making sense of local migration policy arenas - 162 List of contributors - 198

Recensies en Artikelen

"IMISCOE has produced yet another timely book on some of the most pressing social issues of our times. This is a highly reliable guide to understanding the challenges associated with large scale immigration to Europe, the diversity that it is introducing to Europe’s cities, and the tensions that it poses for governments to resolve." Dr. Howard Duncan, Executive Head, Metropolis Project "Caponio and Borkert have assembled a very valuable collection of contributions dealing with the crucial issue of local dimension of integration policies in Europe and beyond. They deal with a variety of topics from grassroots multiculturalism to the local management of religious pluralism in cities to try to make sense of the specific role of local authorities in promoting integration in diverse societies. This is a very refreshing collective effort." Marco Martiniello, FRS-FNRS and CEDEM-UNiversity of Liège, Belgium "Migration scholars have finally discovered the importance of local policymaking. This book convincingly shows that scholars should take the local level seriously and not just focus on national models of immigrant integration. It paves the way for more systematic comparison across cities in different national contexts." Dirk JACOBS, professor in sociology, Université Libre de Bruxelles “Contemporary immigration is an urban phenomenon, but most comparative research on immigration in Europe has compared countries, not cities. _The Local Dimension of Migration Policymaking_ begins to fill this gap, and does so admirably by examining local policymaking and implementation in areas as diverse as youth employment and religious accommodation. Balancing deep, local knowledge with thoughtful attention to the wider political, social and cultural context, this book will appeal to scholars and practitioners alike.“ Irene Bloemraad, Associate Professor of Sociology, University of California, Berkeley

Tiziana Caponio, Maren Borkert (red.)

The Local Dimension of Migration Policymaking

The Local Dimension of Migration Policymaking biedt nieuwe perspectieven op het integratiebeleid van immigranten in Europese en Noord Amerikaanse steden. Het laat zien hoe maatschappelijke aansluiting op lokaal niveau ontstaat en beheerd wordt. De afzonderlijke hoofdstukken richten zich op drie thema’s; burgerschap, sociale diensten en religieuze diversiteit. Daarmee worden stedelijke gebieden in Zwitserland, Italië, Duitsland, Nederland en Canada bestudeerd. In alle onderzochte landen blijkt dat, ondanks de verschillen in onder meer staatsstructuur en integratiemodellen, het lokale niveau een zeer belangrijke bijdrage levert aan het integratiebeleid. De casestudies laten zien dat nationaal beleid door locale actoren opnieuw gedefinieerd wordt en dat de werkelijke omstandigheden op lokaal niveau het integratieproces van immigranten bepalen.

Deze vergelijkende studie levert belangrijke en spraakmakende inzichten in het huidige integratiebeleid waar beleidsmakers niet omheen kunnen.

Tiziana Caponio

Tiziana Caponio is als onderzoeker verbonden aan de University of Turin, Italië.

Maren Borkert

Maren Borkert is als onderzoeker verbonden aan de International Centre for Migration Policy Development (ICMPD), in Oostenrijk.