Gender, Generations and the Family in International Migration
Gender, Generations and the Family in International Migration
€ 78,95 excl. BTW
Aantal pagina's
15.6 x 23.4 cm
Toon inhoudsopgaveVerberg inhoudsopgave
Gender, Generations and the Family in International Migration - 2 Table of contents - 6 Preface - 10 1 Introduction Issues and debates on family-related migration and the migrant family: A European perspective - 14 Section I The family as a moral and social order - 56 2 Sex and the regulation of belonging:Dutch family migration policies in the contextof changing family norms - 58 3 Marriages, arranged and forced: The UK debate - 78 4 Filial obligations among immigrants and native Dutch: A comparison of perceptions and behaviour among ethnic groups and generations - 100 5 Social construction of neglect: The case of unaccompanied minors from Morocco to Spain - 122 Section II Gender, generation and work in the migrant family - 140 6 The problem of ‘human capital’:Gender, place and immigrant household strategies of reskilling in Vancouver - 142 7 The transmission of labour commitment within families of migrant entrepreneurs in France and Spain - 164 8 Spousal reunification among recent immigrants in Spain: Links with undocumented migration and the labour market - 194 Section III Marriage migration and gender relations - 220 9 Cross-border marriage as a migration strategy:Thai women in the Netherlands - 222 10 Marriage across space and time among male migrants from Cameroon to Germany - 244 11 ‘He’s the Swiss citizen, I’m the foreign spouse’:Binational marriages and the impact of family-related migration policies on gender relations - 266 Section IV Transnational family lives and practices - 286 12 Transnational family life and female migrationin Italy: One or multiple patterns? - 288 13 Civic stratification, stratified reproduction and family solidarity: Strategies of Latino families in Milan - 314 14 Gender and intergenerational issues in the circulation of highly skilled migrants:The case of Indian IT professionals - 336 15 Negotiating transnational caring practices among migrant families - 356 List of contributors - 375 Index - 380 Other IMISCOE titles - 396

Recensies en Artikelen

“This volume is an important contribution to the complex and challenging issue of family migration. Though a scholarly work, its accessible style will interest students, academics, policy advisers and the public.” Loretta Baldassar, Monash University Prato Centre, Italy "Though literature of family in migration is often caught in culture-specific problematics, this book's special focus on both macro and micro levels expands its potential readership beyond scholars. A real success." Rosita Fibbi, Swiss Forum for Migration and Population Studies, University of Neuchâtel, Switzerland "The diversity of disciplinary approaches on gender, generation and the family with an international focus alongside an emphasis on the social and cultural concomitants of migration marks this as essential reading." -- Kanwal Mand, School of Applied Social Science, University of Sussex, Brighton, UK|"This edited volume constitutes, no doubt, an important input to a better understanding of the relationship between families and international migration, taking also into account gender and intergenerational dimensions." -- European Journal of Population, Vol.28, 2012

Gender, Generations and the Family in International Migration

Familie gerelateerde migratie staat in het centrum van de huidige politieke debatten over migratie, integratie en multiculturaliteit in Europa. Meer en meer geeft het ook aanleiding tot academische onderzoek. Toch gebeurt dit onderzoek naar gezinsmigratie veelal gescheiden van onderzoek naar migrantenfamilies.

Dit boek tracht deze interdisciplinaire kloof te overbruggen. De auteurs richten zich gezamenlijk op de noodzaak tot een beter begrip te komen van de diversiteit van familiegerelateerde migratie.

In vijftien hoofdstukken met een aantal gemeenschappelijke thema’s verwerpen ze de simplistische aannames over allochtone gezinnen, zoals gebezigd wordt in publieke debatten, om als alternatief hiervoor voor te stellen gezinsmigratie te bestuderen vanuit een mix van disciplinaire perspectieven, op diverse niveaus en via verschillende methodologische benaderingen.

Albert Kraler

Albert Kraler is een onderzoeker bij het ICMPD (Wenen en assistent-docent aan het Political Science and the International Development Studies Program (University of Vienna)..

Camille Schmoll

Camille Schmoll is assistent-hoogleraar Human Geography aan de Université Paris Diderot, Frankrijk.

Eleonore Kofman

Eleonore Kofman is hoogleraar Gender, Migration and Citizenship aan de Middlesex University, Verenigd Koninkrijk.

Martin Kohli

Martin Kohli is hoogleraar Sociology aan het European University Institute, Italië.