Designing Interdisciplinary Education
Designing Interdisciplinary Education
A Practical Handbook for University Teachers
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17 x 24 cm
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1 Introduction
1.1 Moving towards more complexity
1.2 Why interdisciplinary education?
1.3 Why this handbook
1.4 An overview of the content

2 An overview of the development stages
2.1 Starting with an interdisciplinary development team
2.2 Stages in programme development
2.3 Putting the theory into practice

3 Unravelling interdisciplinary understanding 28 3.1 The definition of interdisciplinarity
3.2 Embedding integration in education
3.3 Unravelling interdisciplinary understanding

4 Developing the raw sketch
4.1 Drafting the vision
4.2 Expressing thevision
4.3 Engaging stakeholders in the visioning process
4.4 Communicating the vision

5 Formulating interdisciplinary learning outcomes
5.1 Intended learning outcomes at the programme level
5.2 Intended learning outcomes at the course level
5.3 Creating learning pathways within a programme
5.4 Translating intended learning outcomes into learning activities

6 Embedding integration in the programme design
6.1 Four curriculum models
6.2 Deciding on a curriculum format
6.3 Working towards an interdisciplinary programme

7 Hiring and engaging faculty
7.1 Features of an interdisciplinary teacher
7.2 Recruiting, engaging and connecting faculty
7.3 Overcome hurdles in the interdisciplinary teaching team

8 Exploring the teaching philosophy and didactic methods
8.1 Assumptions of teaching and understanding
8.2 Formulating a shared teaching philosophy
8.3 Didactic methods that nurture interdisciplinary understanding

9 Assessment of interdisciplinary learning outcomes
9.1 Valid assessment of interdisciplinary learning outcomes
9.2 Make interdisciplinary assessment work
9.3 Developing a programme-wide assessment strategy

10 Interdisciplinary teaching in practice
10.1 Important prerequisites for interdisciplinary classes
10.2 The teacher as coach
10.3 Teaching reflective functioning
10.4 Enhancing collaboration skills
10.5 Teaching critical thinking
10.6 Teaching an integrative interdisciplinary capstone course

11 Programme assessment and adjustment
11.1 Formal and informal assessment
11.2 An evaluation approach
11.3 Accreditation of interdisciplinary programmes
11.4 Sustaining interdisciplinary programmes

Index case studies
Index activities
Index key advices

Designing Interdisciplinary Education

A Practical Handbook for University Teachers

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Interdisciplinary education has been identified by many educational organisations in Europe and the United States as important for what lies ahead, and it has become a buzzword in some debates about educating for the future. Now, more than ever, higher education is challenged to educate students to see beyond the limits of their own discipline and to come up with innovative integrated solutions for our global challenges. But how do you define interdisciplinarity? How do you measure whether a student has integrated different insights? How do you challenge students to step across disciplinary borders?

'Designing interdisciplinary education' offers guidance and practical advice for university teachers who want to successfully develop, implement and sustain an interdisciplinary approach to their teaching.

Linda de Greef

Linda de Greef works at the Institute for Interdisciplinary Studies at the University of Amsterdam. She is the programme manager at The Teaching Lab where experiments, publications, workshops, guides and methods for interdisciplinary education are developed and shared. She is specialized in curriculum development and accompanying organizational developments and the professional development of interdisciplinary teaching skills.

Ger Post

Ger Post was vijf jaar werkzaam bij het Instituut voor Interdisciplinaire Studies waar hij onder andere academische vaardigheden doceerde aan de bacheloropleiding Bèta-gamma. Hij is inmiddels werkzaam als onderwijsontwikkelaar bij de School of Biomedical Sciences van The University of Melbourne.

Christianne Vink

Christianne Vink is a teacher trainer and consultant in higher education. She advises and coaches programmes in curriculum development and teacher professionalisation.

Lucy Wenting

Lucy Wenting is the director of the Institute for Interdisciplinary Studies. She is specialised in leadership, strategy and curriculum development.

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