CEU Press

List of Tables
Introduction: The Rieber Momentum in Historiography
Andrei Cușco and Victor Taki
Chapter 1. Forests, Navies, and Entangled Empires: Timber Export and Territorial Governance in Russia in the Eighteenth to Early Nineteenth Century
Marina Loskutova
Chapter 2. The Projects of Cossack Reform in the Russian Empire (1810s–1840s): Unification versus Flexibility
Andriy Posunko
Chapter 3. The Russian Army and the Ottoman Empire: Military Reform and Eastern Crisis
Victor Taki
Chapter 4. Wartime Mobilization of Ethnicity, Shifting Loyalties, and Population Politics in the Borderlands of Nationalizing Empires: Reshaping Bessarabia and Bukovina, 1914–1919
Andrei Cușco
Chapter 5. Painting Dogs into Racoons: Entertainment and Culture in the Gulag
Oksana Ermolaeva
Chapter 6. The Jewish Exodus to the Balkans, 1933–1938
Bojan Aleksov
Chapter 7. Weathering the Storm, Toppled by the Storm: North Korea’s Non-Transition Compared with the Transition of Romania and Albania, 1989–1991
Balazs Szalontai
About the Contributors
Anchored in the Russian Empire, but not limited to it, the eight studies in this volume explore the nineteenth-century imperial responses to the challenge of modernity, the dramatic disruptions of World War I, the radical scenarios of the interwar period and post-communist endgames at the different edges of Eurasia. The book continues and amplifies the historiographic momentum created by Alfred J. Rieber’s long and fruitful scholarly career.
First, the volume addresses the attempts of Russian imperial rulers and elites to overcome the economic backwardness of the empire with respect to the West. The ensuing rivalry of several interest groups (entrepreneurs, engineers, economists) created new social forms in the subsequent rounds of modernization. The studies explore the dynamics of the metamorphoses of what Rieber famously conceptualized as a “sedimentary society” in the pre-revolutionary and early Soviet settings.
Second, the volume also expands and dwells on the concept of frontier zones as dynamic, mutable, shifting areas, characterized by multi-ethnicity, religious diversity, unstable loyalties, overlapping and contradictory models of governance, and an uneasy balance between peaceful co-existence and bloody military clashes. In this connection, studies pay special attention to forced and spontaneous migrations, and population politics in modern Eurasia.
Victor Taki is Sessional lecturer at Concordia University of Edmonton. His first book Tsar and Sultan: Russian Encounters with the Ottoman Empire was published by IB Tauris. His research interests include Imperial Russia’s Balkan entanglements and the intellectual history of the eighteenth and the nineteenth century.
Andrei Cusco is Director of the Center for Empire Studies at the Department of History and Philosophy within Moldova State University.