Towns between Empires
Towns between Empires
Good Governance and “Police” in Case Studies from Transylvania, Wallachia, and Moldavia, 1500s–1800s
€ 129,00 excl. BTW
Aantal pagina's
15.6 x 23.4 cm
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List of Figures and Tables
List of Acronyms
Introduction - Mária Pakucs-Willcocks and Julia Derzsi
Part I. Respublica—Political Constructs and Governance
1. Defending the Town’s Interest: The Council of the Centumviri and the Administration of Justice in Early Modern Cluj - László Pakó
2. Urban-Rural Relationship in the Light of Political Statutes at the End of the Sixteenth Century - Julia Derzsi
3. The Main Square outside the Town Walls and the Ruling Elites of Alba Iulia at the End of the Sixteenth Century - Gálfi
Part II. Urban Elites and Nobility in Market Towns
4. A Salt-Mining Town in Transylvania: The Political Elite and Urban Governance of Dej between 1541 and 1600 - Anikó Szász
5. A Gold-Mining Town in Transylvania: The Political Elite of Baia Mare and the Structure of the Local Government in the Second Half of the Sixteenth Century - Petra Mátyás-Rausch
6. Residenza de nobili: Nobility in the Administrative Structures of the Market Town of Caransebe. (Sixteenth-Seventeenth Centuries) - Adrian Magina
Part III. Town Books and Town Statutes in Early Modern Transylvania
7. Representations of the Urban Political Order in a Written Context: The First Protocol Book of Sibiu (1522–1565) - Mária Pakucs-Willcocks
8. A Szekler Town in Transylvania: The Statutes and Town Book of Târgu Mure. in the Seventeenth Century - Árpád-Botond György
Part IV. The Many Faces of the Urban Elites: Identity and Representation
9. The Saxon Patriciate of Bra.ov in the Early Modern Period - Andor Nagy
10. Medieval Urban Autonomy of Câmpulung Muscel and Its Realignment in the Modern Period - .tefan Ionescu-Berechet
Part V. Public Order and Public Safety in Towns
11. Keeping the City Alive: Managing Public Health Crises in the First Half of the Eighteenth Century in Sibiu - Oana Sorescu-Iudean
12. Shaping a Phanariot Town: “Good Order” in Eighteenth-Century Bucharest - Constan.a Vintil.
13. The Role of Police in the “Good Governance” of Ia.i from the Seventeenth to the Mid-Nineteenth Century - Dan Dumitru Iacob
14. Scientific Expertise as a Tool for Urban Administration: Chemical and Bacteriological Analyses ordered by the Municipality of Bucharest, 1877–1914 - Simion Câl.ia
List of Contributors

Maria Pakucs, Julia Derzsi (red.)

Towns between Empires

Good Governance and “Police” in Case Studies from Transylvania, Wallachia, and Moldavia, 1500s–1800s

De onderstaande tekst is niet beschikbaar in het Nederlands en wordt in het Engels weergegeven.
The volume contains contributions regarding urban administration and governance in the historical regions that are now in Romania, and that fall under the early modern concept of good governance. Chapters give insight into the concepts and solutions applied by urban governments to political, social and economic issues that were under their care and control. The authors approach various aspects of this topic: town councils as political and economic elites of early modern towns, urban political systems as models of early modern ideas of administration, relations between towns and central authorities (the Prince), healthcare as good governance.
The chapters in the volume capture the widest possible variety of political and administrative systems in the region. Transylvanian towns were structured and governed similarly to other small Central European urban centers, however significant diversity can be discerned following the Reformation. Moldavian and Wallachian towns in the 18th and 19th century are little known to international scholarship, and the chapters in this volume will fill this gap.

Maria Pakucs

Mária Pakucs-Willcocks ( is a senior researcher with the “Nicolae Iorga” Institute of History and a research fellow of the New Europe College in Bucharest. Her research has focused on trade and merchants between Transylvania and the Ottoman Empire in the early modern period, and on urban history and political discourse. Most recent publications include “Trade Routes and Commercial Networks in Early Modern South-Eastern Europe in the Light of Transylvanian Sources,” in Cities and Economy in Europe. Markets and Trade on the Margins from the Middle Ages to the Present, ed. Katalin Szende et al. (Abingdon: Routledge, 2024), 266-284 and the edition of the customs accounts of Sibiu, Zwanzigstrechungen aus dem Archiv der Stadt Hermannstadt (1536-1623) (Sibiu: Honterus, 2023).

Julia Derzsi

Julia Derzsi is a senior research fellow at the Romanian Academy, the Institute for Social Sciences and Humanities Sibiu. Her main research interests are institutional, economic and urban history in premodern Transylvanian, particulary Saxon towns. Her previous publications include Delict .i pedeaps.: penal. în ora.ele din Transilvania în secolul al XVI-lea [Crime and punishment: The functioning of criminal jurisdiction in the Transylvanian Saxon towns in the 16th century] (Cluj-Napoca: Egyetemi M.hely Kiadó, 2022).